GE Digital connects streams of machine data to powerful analytics and people, providing industrial companies with valuable insights to manage assets and operations more efficiently. World-class talent and software capabilities help drive digital industrial transformation for big gains in productivity, availability and longevity.

Unidata - data management platform of the new generation, created by professionals in the field of processing of the basic data and integration of enterprise information systems.

Reltio provides Big Data applications for sales, marketing and compliance business users across enterprise organizations. Reltio’s next-generation Data Management Platform integrates data management and data science with its Big Data applications. Reltio delivers Big Data applications for clients across verticals such as Financial Services, Life Sciences and Retail.

Cloudera – one of the leading commercial platforms for building Hadoop based BigData infrastructure, it also offers a number of industry solutions. TaskData has trained and certified Cloudera developers and administrators.

Boston Consulting Group (BCG) is an American management consulting firm founded in 1963. BCG is one of the three biggest employers in management consulting.
Gartner, Inc, officially known as Gartner, is a global research and advisory firm providing information, advice, and tools for leaders in IT, finance, HR, customer service and support, communications, legal and compliance, marketing, sales, and supply chain functions. Its headquarters are in Stamford, Connecticut, United States.